You might want to reconsider your diet...
Vices make life worth living. But you can’t enjoy them unless you’ve got a top notch diet the rest of the time. We cover everything from building muscle to intermittent fasting. We’ll help you make that happen.
New Study Reveals Hidden Saturated Fats In ‘Lean’ Staples That Are Sabotaging Weight Loss
This is a gymbro's nightmare...
Secret To Living To 100 Is Cutting This Common Ingredient, Reveals New Meta-Study Of Centenarians
A longer life could be a lot easier than you think.
Biological Ageing Can Be Reversed By Cutting One Ingredient From Diet, New Study Reveals
Turn back the clock...
Everything You Know About Supplements Is Wrong, Says Stunning New Meta-Study
You're wasting your time.
Meet Angus Barbieri, The Man Who Didn’t Eat For 400 Days
His feat has never been matched since.
Scientists Discover Grisly 3,000-Year-Old Protein Hack That Built History’s Fiercest Warriors
But are you man enough to try it?
Mike Tyson’s Pre-Fight ‘Vampire Diet’ Confession Sparks Unsavoury Rumours
Old habits die hard...
The Best Pre-Workout in Australia for Weight Loss, Pump & Performance
The best pre-workout brands in the business.
High-Protein Diet Dubbed Deadly In 5 “Poisonous ‘P’s”
Research suggests that the reason obesity rates have spiked is because of our quickness to embrace the five "poisonous five P's"
Every Shredded Guy’s Secret Has Nothing To Do With Workouts Or What You Eat
We've begun to notice a trend that we think more guys need to know about before embarking on their weight loss journeys.
AG1 Review: An Australian Tried Athletic Greens For 90 Days, Here’s His Honest Opinion
The green stuff is good stuff.